Monday 5 March 2012

Deep Dark Chocolate Cupcakes

Preheat oven 180c, gas 4. Put cupcases in 12 hole muffin tins. Sift 2 & quarter cups flour, three quarters cup cocoa, 1 & half tsp baking soda & 1 & half cups castor sugar into a large bowl, then stir in three quarter cup of coconut.

In another bowl, mix in three quarters cup of veg oil, 1 & half cups cold coffee or water & 3tbsp vinegar.

Combine other bowl contents & pour mix into cupcake cases & bake 20 mins. Leave to cool 5 mins then turn out onto rack to cool.

Ice with choc icing (previous blog post when cool):

Alternative: Bake in 23cm cake tin for 45 mins. Flavour improves the after baking.

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