Tuesday 15 March 2016

Treacle Scones

Treacle gives a distinct flavour to these scones. If you want them more subtle just use golden syrup in place of the treacle.

Rub using fingers 200g SR flour, 25g sugar, pinch salt and 50g butter until it resembles breadcrumbs. Add half tsp each of baking powder, mixed spice and cinnamon.

Lightly oil a tablespoon and the treacle will fall easily into a jug. Mix together 1.5tbs treacle to a jug with 3tbsp natural yoghurt and 1tbsp milk (you can substitute the yoghurt and milk with 125ml milk). Mix until a dough is formed (the dough shouldn't be too sticky and a well formed ball so add a bit at a time). Allow the dough to rest 5 mins.

Firmly press the dough into roughly a 6" round 3cm thick. Cut into small rounds gathering scraps together to make more scones. Bake for 10 - 12 minutes. 180 fan oven, 200 C.

Tip : when you cut the scones in half to eat use a fork instead of a knife to pierce all around and this will stop the scone from crumbling.

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