Monday 25 April 2016

Vanilla & Chocolate Spiced Buns with orange glaze

The chocolate surprise make these buns special.

Put 500g strong white bread flour and 1tsp salt in a bowl. Add 7g quick active yeast on the opposite side to where you placed the salt and put 1tsp castor sugar on top of the yeast. Stir in 100g light muscovado sugar, 1 tsp cinnamon, 2 tsp mixed spice, 50g mixed peel, 50g sultanas chopped, 50g dates chopped, zest of 1 orange.

Microwave for 90 seconds 50g unsalted butter with 250ml whole milk. Make a well in the flour and add the liquid and 1 beaten egg and 1 tsp vanilla extract stirring with a wooden spoon a few mintues. Add 100g rough chopped dark chocolate. Use a dough hook and mixer knead for 10 minutes or by hand to form a dough ball. NB if the mixture is too wet add 3 tbsp flour to help the dough form.

Cover bowl with clingfilm and leave in a warm place for 1 hour to double in size. Cut dough into 15 equal pieces and roll into balls placing on 2 baking sheets (light flour dusted) allowing room to spread. Cover with clingfilm and leave in a warm place for another hour.

Bake 1800 fan, 200 C, gas 7, for 20 minutes. If the fruit starts to burn lightly cover with foil.

Mix 4tbsp castor sugar with 2tbsp fresh orange juice mixing to dissolve sugar and leave in fridge whilst the buns are cooking.

As soon as the cooked buns come out of the oven brush them with this mixture to glaze. Leave to cool.

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