Wednesday 22 July 2015

Rhubarb Mousse

A light and fruity dessert that's easy to make.

Dice 350g rhubarb rapidly until soft in 55g sugar, the juice of one orange and just enough water to cover.

Beat one egg white in a mixer for 10 minuts until peaks form. Fold into a quarter pint of greek yoghurt for a low cal version or qaurter pint of whipped cream.

Drain the rhubarb from the lquid and fold the rhubarb into the above mixture leaving some rhubarb to decorate. 

New post in my Just Microwave blog - Orange Meringue Pie

I'm often left with eggs coming near the use-by date so I decided to use up some with this lovely pie. Can hardly believe it comes out perfect using a microwave and the orange is a novel twist on the usual lemon meringue pie. If you want the lemon version just use the rind of 2 lemons and 4fl oz lemon juice. It's a very easy to make pastry which doesn't need rolling!


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