Wednesday 22 July 2015

Rhubarb Mousse

A light and fruity dessert that's easy to make.

Dice 350g rhubarb rapidly until soft in 55g sugar, the juice of one orange and just enough water to cover.

Beat one egg white in a mixer for 10 minuts until peaks form. Fold into a quarter pint of greek yoghurt for a low cal version or qaurter pint of whipped cream.

Drain the rhubarb from the lquid and fold the rhubarb into the above mixture leaving some rhubarb to decorate. 

New post in my Just Microwave blog - Orange Meringue Pie

I'm often left with eggs coming near the use-by date so I decided to use up some with this lovely pie. Can hardly believe it comes out perfect using a microwave and the orange is a novel twist on the usual lemon meringue pie. If you want the lemon version just use the rind of 2 lemons and 4fl oz lemon juice. It's a very easy to make pastry which doesn't need rolling!


Friday 17 July 2015

My Wild Cherry pie

I was lucky enough to pick my wild cherries for this pie. When I went into the supermarket today the price of cherries were a whopping £4.99p per kg, some had even been £7.99p last week. It's really worth going into the countryside and foraging, much more rewarding too.

Put 250g plain flour in a bowl with 125g cold butter which has been cut into small pieces (you can also use margarine which has been in freezer about half an hour or a combination of half lard half spread of your choice). Knead in 2tbs sugar, a pinch of salt and 1tbs cream to form a pastry doug. Add 2tbs water if it is to dry. Divide and shape pastry into 2 balls. Wrap in clingfilm and fridge for 1hr.

Mix the juice and zest of 1 lemon with 2.5tbsp cornflour & 2 tbs sugar (if your cherries are tarty add another tbsp sugar), add 750g pitted cherries and leave for 30 mins.

After an hour roll out the two pastry balls on a flour surface between layers of clingfilm. Lay the larger circile on a greased 9" and make a rim up the sides. Sprinkle the base with 2 tbsp dry breadcrumbs.

Set aside a quarter of the cherry mixture and let it drain. Catch the liquid and add to the rest of the cherries. Put this cherry mix onto the base then cover with the 2nd pastry circle pressing edges down firmly. Arrange the remaining cherries on top pressing gently into pastry. Bake 50 minutes at 200c, 180 fan, 400f, gas 6.

Another lush easy to make cherry recipe:

Black Cherry Cream Pie

New blog post 12/8/15:
Apple, Blackberry and Banana Crumble (in microwave)

Thursday 9 July 2015

Rhubarb Custard Pie

Rub 4oz fat (butter or lard) into 8oz flour until like breadcrumbs. Mix in 3 tbs water or for a richer pasty a lightly beaten egg to form a dough. Grease a 9" oval pie dish. Fridge dough whilst making filling:

Slice 4 sticks of 12" rhubarb into 1" pieces. Add 3 heaped tbsp sugar. In another bowl beat 2 large eggs and add 3 heaped tbsp sugar and 8fl oz whole milk, mix.

Flatten dough and press evenly into the pie dish. Evenly cover the pastry with the rhubarb, sprinkle over 1 tsp ground ginger. Pour egg mix over evenly then sprinkle with 1 tsp cinnamon. Bake 160 fan for 45 mins.

For a lower calorie version omit the pastry.

For an oven baked banana custard without the pastry:

Thin slice three firm bananas and layer in a pie dish. Sprinkle cinnamon over the bananas. Use 6tsp jam placing dollops at intervals over this.

In a separate bowl beat 2 large eggs and add 3 heaped tbsp sugar and 8fl oz whole milk, mix well. Pour evenly over the bananas. Bake 160 fan for 45 mins.